ASIC - Association for science and information on coffee

The CAFNET/Coffee-Flux Project: Evaluating Water, Carbon and Sediment Ecosystem Services in a Coffee Agroforestry Watershed of Costa Rica

O. Roupsard, F. Gómez-Delgado, F. Charbonnier, L. Benegas, S. Taugourdeau, R. Kinoshita, R. Moussa, E. Dreyer, A. Lacointe, B. Rapidel, A. Perez, A. Robelo, A. Barquero, C. Rivera Wilson, M.N.V. Navarro, C. Jourdan, G. Le Maire, P. Thaler, J-M. Bonnefond, J-M. Harmand, P. Vaast
€ 5.00

Proceeding categories

Flavour Coffee Chemistry and Sensory Sciences
Health Health
Coffee Plant Plant Pathology and Protection
Child looking at the future Trends
DNA Plant Sciences
Stack of paper Documentation, Information & Normalisation