eventYear 2008 placeLocation -22.9098833, -47.0625812 275 Results Search by title or author Coffee Chemistry and Sensory SciencesNew Volatile Compounds as Brazilian Defective Coffee Seeds’ MarkersToci A.T., Benedetti M., Farah A. (Brazil) Coffee Chemistry and Sensory SciencesPrediction of Sensory Profiles of Brazilian Arabica Coffees Using Aroma Composition, Gas Chromatography and Partial Least Squares Regression ModelsRibeiro J.S., Salva T.J.G., Tomaziello R.A., Augusto F., Ferreira M.M.C. (Brazil) Coffee Chemistry and Sensory SciencesOptimisation of Methodology for Identification of Aromatic Volatile Compounds in Roasted Coffee BeansIkawati D., Srzednicki G., Craske J. (Australia) Coffee Chemistry and Sensory SciencesAn Original Decision-Support Tool for Adding Value to CoffeesAguilar P., Ribeyre F., Bastide P. (France) Coffee Chemistry and Sensory SciencesAcidity in Coffee: Bridging the Gap Between Chemistry and PsychophysicsBrollo G., Cappuccio R., Navarini L. (Italy) Coffee Chemistry and Sensory SciencesVariability and Association of Sensorial and Physical Quality Attributes of Forest Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Collections at JimaBekele G., Burckhardt J., Kufa T., Gole T.W., Yadessa A. (Ethiopia) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingPrinciples and Advanced Aspects of Profile Roasting ProcessFernandes F. (Brazil) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingCoffee Roasting and Quenching Technology. Impact on Final Product Aroma QualityBaggenstoss J., Poisson L., Kaegi R., Luethi R., Escher F. (Switzerland) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingQuality Assessment of Roasted Coffee Blends by Hyperspectral Image AnalysisFiore A.G., Romaniello R., Peri G., Severini C. (Italy) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingDevelopment of an Apparatus for Measuring the Degassing Behavior of Coffee with the Option to Examine the Influence of Protective Gases for Aroma PreservationKoziorowski T., Baumeister H., Jansen G., Bongers S. (Germany) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingPurging of Roasted Coffee Bean ContainersSortwell D. (USA) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingEvaluation of Roasted Coffee Beverage Pervaporation to Aroma Concentration: Process Efficiency and Enrichment FactorCabral L.M.C., Assis A.R., Bizzo H.R., Matta V.M., Saraiva S.H. (Brazil) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingInstant Coffee Aromatization Particles Containing an Encapsulated Non-Synthetic Dispersed Volatile Liquid Coffee Aroma PhaseZeller B., Ceriali S., Gaonkar A., Wragg A. (USA) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingProduction of Activated Carbons as an Alternative Use for Defective Coffee BeansFranca A.S., Nunes A., Oliveira L.S. (Brazil) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingEnhancement of Primary Wet Coffee Processing Capacity in KenyaMburu J.K. (Kenya) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingCoffee Pulping Technology Impact over Economic DimensionFronzaglia T., Vegro C.L.R., Veiga Filho A.A. (Brazil) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingDrying of Washed Coffee by Conventional Heat Transfer and High Frequency TechniquesCaldas F. (Costa-Rica) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingCharacterization of the Moment of Endosperm Cell Damage During Coffee DryingBorem F.M., Saath R., Alves E., Taveira J.H, (Brazil) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingThe Quality Pillars: the Implementation Process of the Coffee Quality Program (CQP) in the Roasted and Ground Coffee Market in BrazilLeme P.H.M.V., Machado R.T.M. (Brazil) Roasting Coffee Technology & ProcessingInternational Standards on Coffee and National OnesOestreich-Janzen S. (Germany) HealthThe Effects of Coffee Consumption on Liver Function and DiseaseCadden I.S.H. (Northern Ireland) HealthCoffee and Its Mechanisms of Cell ProtectionBaum M., Bellion P., Böhm N., Esselen M., Habermeyer M., Janzowski C., Marko D. (Germany) HealthCaffeine and Coffee as Therapeutics Against Alzheimer’s DiseaseArendash G.W. (USA) HealthCoffee and Health in Brazil ProgramHerszkowicz N. (Brazil) Farm ManagementNutrient Utilizations of Coffea arabica Seedlings Under Integrated Use of Organic and Mineral FertilizersKufa T. (Ethiopia) Load More