eventYear 2004 placeLocation 12.9715987, 77.5945627 211 Results Search by title or author Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Green CoffeeCloning and Characterisation of Promoter for N-Methyl Transferase Gene from CoffeeA. Chandrashekar, G.A. Ravishankar, K.V. Satyanarayana, K. Vinod Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Green CoffeeRobusta-like Coffee plants with Arabica-like Cup quality- Myth or Possibility?V.S. Amaravenmathy, A. Kumar, A. Santaram, C.S. Srinivasan Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Green CoffeeHigh – efficiency Agrobacterium – mediated Transformation of Coffee (Coffea canephora.pierre ex. Frohner) using Hypocotyl ExplantsM.K. Mishra, H.L. Sreenath Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Green CoffeeMicropropagation of Coffea arabica cv. Cauvery via Somatic EmbryogenesisB. Muniswamy, H.L. Sreenath Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Green CoffeeGenetic Diversity in Indian Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica L) Germplasm Collection through RAPD MarkersS.A. Kumar, H.L. Sreenath Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Green CoffeePyridine Nucleotide Cycle and Trigonelline Synthesis in Developing Leaves and Fruit of Coffea arabicaH. Ashihara, C. Nagai, X.Q. Zheng Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Green CoffeeControl of Coffee Wilt: Study of Genetic Diversity of Fusarium xylarioides and Coffea canephora in UgandaD. Bieysse, K. Bonnemayre, M. Dufour, A. Girma, G. Hakiza, B. Janzac, A. Kalonji, D. Kyetere, T. Leroy, P. Musoli, F. Pinard, V. Roussel, P. Tshilenge Enzymatic Synthesis of Caffeic Acid Esters from Chlorogenic Acid by Transesterification and Condensation ReactionsT. Fujita, K. Iwai, Y. Kakino, N. Kishimoto Accumulation of the stress metabolite γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in coffee seeds (Coffea arabica L.) during post harvest processingG. Bytof, S.-E. Knopp, D. Selmar Expression of Isocitrate Lyase and the Abundance of ß tubulin: Feasible Markers for the Estimation of Germination Processes in Differently Processed Green CoffeesB. Breitenstein, G. Bytof, D. Hunecke, I. JunghÄrtchen, S.-E. Knopp, D. Selmar SPME Technology and its Application in the Coffee IndustryK.J. Kim, M.W. Nam Levels and Profiles of Bioactive Amines in Coffee as Affected by RoastingA.S. Franca, M.B.A. GlÓria, T.M.L. Silveira, A.L.S. Vasconcelos Two New Diterpenes in Roasted CoffeeI. KÖlling-speer, M. Nickol, K. Speer Moisture Content Gain of Raw Coffee Beans at Constant and Alternated Temperatures and Different Equilibrium Relative HumiditiesH.A. Palacios-cabrera, M.H. Taniwaki, K. Yotsuyanagi Comparison of Different Methodologies to Determine Raw Coffee Bean Moisture ContentH.C. Menezes, H.A. Palacios-cabrera, M.H. Taniwaki Identification of Chlorogenic Acids in Coffee Beans and Their Physiological ActivitiesT. Fujita, K. Iwai, Y. Kakino, N. Kishimoto, K. Mochida Caffeine Distribution in Coffee BeansP. Alessi, P. Antonini, G. Bortoli, Y.C.N. Desobgo, M. Fabian, I. Kikic, D. Solinas Chemosystematic Study Of Diterpenoids in Green Coffee BeansG. Guerrero, G. Moreno, M. SuÁrez Moisture Determination in Green Coffee – A Method ComparisonA. Gerber, J. Prodolliet, C.T. Reh, G. Vuataz 16-O-Methylcafestol in the Quality Control of Instant CoffeesI. KÖlling-speer, T. Kurzrock, K. Speer Chromatography of Carbonic Acid-5-HydroxytryptamidesI. KÖlling-speer, T. Kurzrock, K. Speer Influence of KCl Fertilization and Roasting on the Levels of Bioactive Amines in CoffeeM.P.G. Cirilo, J.V. Coelho, M.B.A. GlÓria, F.D. Nogueira, K.H. Theodoro Antiproliferation and Anti-Influenza Viral Activities of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Esters Synthesized Enzymatically from Chlorogenic acid and Phenethyl AlcoholT. Fujita, K. Iwai, Y. Kakino, N. Kishimoto, K. Mochida The Influence of Fungi on the Flavour of Coffee BeveragesA.R. Almeida, M.A. Carvalho, B.T. Iamanaka, M.A. Meletti, L. Pfenning, J.I. Pitt, M.H. Taniwaki, A.A. Teixeira, A.R.R. Teixeira Incidence of elevation on chemical composition and beverage quality of coffee in Central AmericaE. Alpizar, B. Bertrand Load More