eventYear 1997 placeLocation -1.2920659, 36.8219462 99 Results Search by title or author Farm ManagementPhylogeographic patterns of introduced populations of the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequencesH. Breilid, L. O. Brun, D. Andreev, R. H. Ffrench-Constant, L. R. Kirkendall Farm ManagementL'échantillonnage des dégâts causés par le scolyte du fruit du caféier (Hypothenemus hampei Ferr.): définition de procédures de sondage sur le terrainF. Remond, C. Cilas Farm ManagementCoffee berry borer: the global importance of the pest and potential for ecoregional research collaboration towards environmentally-friendly strategies for its managementS. Sithanantham, A. Hassanali, H. R. Herren, H. M. Mugo Farm ManagementInsecticide resistance in the coffee berry borer: state of current knowledgeL. O. Brun, R. H. Ffrench-Constant Farm ManagementEffect of soaking parchment on coffee factory capacityJ. K. Mburu Farm ManagementDevelopment and assessment of a solar coffee processing center for cooperative use in IndonesiaSri Mulato, O. Atmawinata, Yusianto, Handaka, W. Mülhbauer Farm ManagementProduction and nutritional evaluation of coffee pulp silageJ. R. Ramirez-Martinez, E. O. Bautista, M. N. Clifford, M. R. Adams Farm ManagementThe selection of an appropriate waste-water treatment system for the coffee industry in KenyaJ. Noble, N. J. Horan Farm ManagementEtude des effets du pH, de la température et de la disponibilité en NH4+ et NO3- sur la capacité d'absorption racinaire d'un caféier Arabica, dans le but d'optimiser sa nutrition azotéePH. VAAST 704 Farm ManagementMise au point de protocoles de traitements contre l'anthracnose des baies (CBC) du caféier Arabica au CamerounN. Regazzoni, J. A. Mouen Bedimo, A. Bar-Hen, D. Berry, C. Cilas Farm ManagementL'anthracnose des baies (CBD) du caféier Arabica: aspects microscopiques des interactions hôte-parasiteS. Loubet, D. Bieysse, N. Michaux-Ferriere, D. Berry Farm ManagementCoffee diseases and their significance in EthiopiaE. Derso Farm ManagementEffects of caffeine on coffee berry disease (Colletotrichum kahawae)T. Biratu Farm ManagementThe effect of pruning, weeding and fertilization on the yield of Arabica coffee in South Western EthiopiaP. Dubale Farm ManagementAbondance, diversité et distribution géographique des hémiptères nuisibles ou associés aux caféiers au CamerounP. Mbondji Mbondji Farm ManagementBiomass accumulation in the various plant organs of Coffea arabica L., cultivar Ruiru 11, under drip irrigation in KenyaM.P.H. Gathaara, F. M. Muthuri, R. C. Cheruiyot Farm ManagementLaboratory evaluation of the relative preferences by Epicampoptera ivoirensis Watson (Lepidoptera: Drepanidae) on five coffee typesB. Padi Farm ManagementThe status of coffee wilt disease (tracheomycosis) and strategies for its control in UgandaJ. B. Birikunzira, G.J. Hakiza Farm ManagementEffect of stripped mealybug (Ferrisia virgata Cockerrel) on marketable quality of Uganda Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre)P. Kucel, H. Ngabirano Farm ManagementPlant regeneration from suspension culture protoplasts established from hypocotyl-derived callus of two Coffea arabica genotypesN.E. Nyange, R. J. Mcnicol, B. Williamson Farm ManagementEvaluation of Agrocet 180, 360 EC and Roundup dry 420 solid granules, new Roundup formulations in controlling weeds in coffeeP. R. Matowo, J. W. J. Msaky, S. Malinga Farm ManagementSynthèse des résultats de recherche sur les méthodes culturales du caféier Arabica (Coffea arabica) au Rwanda, au 31 mars 1994V. Rutunga, F. Kavamahanga, J.-C. Nsengimana Farm ManagementGenetic diversity among isolates of Colletotrichum kahawae causing coffee berry diseaseC. O. Omondi, H. Hindorf, H. G. Welz, D. Saucke, P. O. Ayiecho, A. W. Mwang'Ombe Complete ConferencesFull conference 17Digital support complete with all the proceedings of the meeting